Kitchen Drones in action – Multirotors support in running a restaurant

ArchAerial, a young company that specializes in the use of multirotors for mapping purposes, with a focus on archeological research and excavation sites, has published an interesting video on the possible uses of quadcopters in a restaurant environment , in collaboration with Swift’s Attic, a nice restaurant apparently open to innovation and new technologies, located in Austin Texas.

The original quadcopter design by ArchAerial, with folding arms. The parts have been manifactured by 3D printing - Source
The original quadcopter design by ArchAerial, with folding arms. The parts have been manifactured by 3D printing – Source

In the video, the little custom made multicopters from ArchAerial are shown performing a variety of tasks such as serving at the table:

Archaerial drone serving at Swift's Attic restaurant - Screenshot from video below
Archaerial drone serving at Swift’s Attic restaurant – Screenshot from video below

slicing vegetables:

Drone slicing vegetables in the kitchen
Drone slicing vegetables in the kitchen

and disposing waste.

ArchAerial drone taking care of waste disposal
ArchAerial drone taking care of waste disposal

All very serious stuff.

Here you go with the video:

From the video, it actually looks like some more research will be required to really have the little robots perform all these tasks efficiently. However it is indeed an inspirational start.

Thumbs up to ArchAerial, we will be watching how this little company develops, potential is indeed huge as the Drone Economy is still in his infancy.

Stay tuned on the Personal Drones Blog for developments!

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